

Torte je moguće izabrati iz kataloga naše pripremljene stalne ponude ili pak naručiti njezinu izradu u skladu sa vašim željama, a naš je zadatak te želje i ispuniti.


Software development

The interface should include simple interaction elements, information architecture, and visual appeal. Users have many devices these days, and they should find it easy to access their calendars on the phone, tablets or laptops. It’s also a good idea to provide synchronization with Google or iCloud for business purposes. The process of developing or integrating the calendar app is not that complex but it does require a lot of pre-planning. The calendar app permits you to offer a wide variety of advanced functionalities to users

This rule of thumb usually can help you distinguish between these different kinds of rules. The Application Layer is the second most inner layer of the architecture. Note that, ideally, you should always try to implement behaviors in Domain Models to avoid falling in the Anemic Domain Model pitfall. This rule also exists in other similar architectures, such as Clean Architecture. It’s very powerful and closely connected to two other architectural styles—Layered and Hexagonal. We should be able to build a software that can be maintained